Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Blame it on my generosity

Or lack of self-control. It's Jim Phillips' birthday. I brought ebony and ivory cake (one of my favorites). I can't help it. I love to celebrate birthdays.
But that hasn't been my only failure. Let's see...
I actually went 6 days without eating dessert! Not quite my record of 10 days (that was 3 years ago), but for someone who eats a donut a day, I thought that was pretty good. (And yes, somehow, it has kept the doctors away.)
But then we went on vacation...I haven't worked out since last Thursday but since then I've managed to eat 3 donuts, two pumpkin pie slices, raspberry chocolate buttercream cake and creme brulee. This does not include any poor eating habits or the mixed drinks I've indulged in.
My only hope is that the cold Christmas in NY will help me burn extra calories.
In the meantime...let us eat cake.

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