Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Apple Pie chart or Chocalate bar chart?

Now that the challenge has been going on two weeks. I must say that I'm pretty impressed with my competitors. Most are doing this in good, healthful fun and seem to be making strides; however, there are some who have stooped to plain old underhanded tactics in order to reap the $1,000-or-so grand prize. The most egregious being one who uses any ol' birthday, holiday, anniversary day to attempt to fatten her adversaries. It makes me wonder what others are up to.
There seem to be a lot of messages lamenting this long difficult road that we've all started on. I suspect those same people have hired personal trainers and are up to 6 miles a I'm not buying there stories.
As for me. I haven't weighed myself again since the first day. Thanksgiving was very delicious... I mean nice; and I prefer to look at this competition as a way to get to know my colleagues -- with whom I've worked with ten years or so -- better or least get to know their five bucks better.
Unfortunately as it's going now, I may need to start working on being a good sport.

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